Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello Again...

Wow... time sure flies! I've been incredibly busy, but it almost feels like I'm just running in circles. Good thing that God loves us, no matter how down we feel, or how silly we can be.. at least I get that way.

Here's a few dollies I have on eBay.

Destinee Iddie Biddie Raggedy. Her ornie has a darling counted cross stitch that my daughter Chelle made.. of Pumpkins!

Millicent Tall Raggedy Annie. Her ornie says, "Sing Your Praise to the Lord". I just love her!

Ellie June & Crow. Her ornie says, "His Eye is on the Sparrow, and I know He watches Me!"

Adelicia T.T.I.B. (Teenie Tiny Iddie Biddie). She's only 4 1/2" tall. Such a big name for such a tiny dollie.

So happy that you've dropped by. I hope your Fall is wonderful. Here in Kansas, the leaves are turning so fast! The nights are chilly, sometimes cold. The days mostly are sunny and lovely.

God Bless You all!