Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Long time no see...

I'm so sorry I've been 'away' from my blog for so long. I could claim that it's because our family moved.. that was a hideous chore and did keep me away from the computer a while. I could say that I've just been so busy... well, that's true, busy with trying to make up for lost time making dolls. I'm almost back up to speed now though. I'm afraid that the biggest reason though is because I'm hooked on Facebook. Doggone many friends there, so much to read, so much to do (games, etc.)... it's addicting. Hello... my name is Penny and I'm a Facebook addict!

How was your Valentine's Day? Our's was spent unpacking a mountain or two of boxes from our move. Ick.. not exactly romantic. I did make and sell a lot of Valentine's Day themed dolls though.

Now I'm making St. Patrick's Day dolls. Lots of Irish people out there, thank God!

Next will be Easter and bunnies have been on my creative menu already.

Here's a few dollies I have listed on eBay right now.

Ciaran Aberdeen (don't you just love her name??).

Sinead McGowan.. (another cool name).

Linda Jo Iddie Biddie Kittie.

Caroline Iddie Biddie Kittie

Tawnie Mae Raggedy & Trixie Sheep Her listing actually ends tonight (Wed. 2/24)

Thanks for dropping by. Missed you all and missed your sweet comments.
Oh.. I'm trying to put together a Blog Giveaway. Just have to set my mind to it, right? Would anyone like that?

God Loves us All!



jurooma said...

I love your dolls, they are very nice

WoolenSails said...

Love your new pieces.
I signed up for facebook too because all of my relatives are on it, but too much to follow, so I just check in once a week to see new photos;)


Unknown said...

Hello Penny

So lovely to see you back we have missed you and your lovely dolls I know how addictive facebook can be so I have had to be restrict my time on there too :)


Mila said...

Hi Penny,
I'm not on Facebook but many my friends are on and they told me "FB is terribly & wonderfull on the same manner ;)!"

I love your dolls :)are so pretty looks!
Mila :)
