Saturday, April 12, 2008

Precious People Doing Sweet Things...

Good Morning everyone!
It's early here. I'm up before the birds today. To my surprise I found a comment on my last post. I was given an award, from two people at the same time! WHAT AN HONOR!
I think it's called the Special Artist Award. Many thanks to:
Now, it's my understanding that when you're given this award, you are supposed to pass it on to three people? Hmmm... let's see... Okay, the following three people have touched my heart, awakened my whimsy, and sweetened my life.
It's Saturday! It's rainy, cold, blustery, and just downright soggy here today. Some sunshine would certainly be welcome. I have four dolls finished and ready to list on the ole 'bay on Sunday, but I'm not sure if I'll get any outdoor shots this time. Too wet! May just have to settle for dark photos.
Hope everyone has a lovely day. Whatever you do, include Jesus... then it will be wonderful!


Daizy Donna said...

Awww, Two? You are special, At that exact time 2 people were thinking of you and your talent!!!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

You deserve it, Penny! YOu are a special artist and a very special person and I feel honored to know you!

Thank you for passing it on to me, though I definitely don't fit into your class of "artist", by any means!!!!
